Comedy show "New show in run-in". to Cogolin (Var, France)

Cultural ( Café-Theatre )

From Friday 24 to Saturday 25 January 2025
Open all vendredis, samedis from 20h44 to 23h

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In centre of town
Town location

Eric and Quentin.
To be or not to be a father?
That's the question Eric and Quentin ask themselves in their new show.

While for Eric, a child is synonymous with anxiety, alienation and loss of money, for Quentin, a happy new dad, it's the hope of life and now the wallpaper on his phone.
From dirty diapers and sleepless nights to the joy of discovering a baby's smile, "Papapapapa" is a tender, acerbic and funny look at the prospect of parenthood.

It's a universal show in which, during a debate with the audience, everyone can find their place around love and goat's milk bottles.


Full price: 20 €, Associate member: 17 €, Teenager: 10 €.

Free entry for children < 13 years, people > 103.

Booking Direct
+33 (0)6 14 80 92 91
Spectacle humoristique "Nouveau spectacle en rodage"
Café théâtre Le Lézard
Espace Raimu
18 avenue G Clemenceau
83310 Cogolin

From Friday 24 to Saturday 25 January 2025, every Friday and Saturday between 8.44 pm and 11 pm.