Parcours cyclable du littoral - V65 : Six-Fours-les-Plages > la Seyne to Six-Fours-les-Plages (Var, France)

Sport ( Cycling sports - Miscellaneous sports - Greenway - Cycle tourism route )
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Sea within 300 m
Car park

The Six-Fours/ST Raphaël littoral cycling route allows you to travel along most of the Var coast by the coast or inland, following the route of the old Provence railway line and crossing 20 municipalities.

Taking this route means discovering all the diversity of the landscapes, the richness of the flora and an exceptional coastal area.
It expands over time with new developments. To date, 92 Km of the 120 Km have been built on this course, including 77 Km in a dedicated site.

Attention, between Six-Fours/ST. In Raphael, some parts of the route have not yet been completed and require portions of the main roads to be used. Check the condition of the course by consulting the legend on the map of the chosen course.

The section of the Littoral Cycling Route in the municipality of Six-Fours-les-Plages is divided into several sections of existing and planned exclusive right-of-way.

- At the Jerzy Popiéluszko roundabout at the exit of Sanary-sur-Mer and at the entrance of Six-Fours-Les-Plages until the end of the Rayolet cornice: at the Rayolet beach, in an existing bidirectional dedicated site, over a length of 3.8 km.
- At the roundabout of the Elysée Treaty "konrad Adenauer-Charles de Gaulle" take the avenue de la Mer to the roundabout after Intermarché, as an exit bike lane over a length of 1.45 km.
- At the roundabout after Intermarché on Avenue de la Mer to the roundabout after the Six-Fours agricultural cooperative, in an existing bidirectional exclusive right-of-way, over a length of 0.55 km.
- At the roundabout after the agricultural cooperative take the Avenue Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny to the Reynier College, in a dedicated site under construction.
- From Collège Reynier to the roundabout of the stadium, in an existing exclusive right-of-way over a length of 0.35 km.
- From the roundabout of the stadium take the Avenue Maréchal Juin to the roundabout of the montée du Fort, in a dedicated site under project
- From the roundabout of Montée du Fort to the end of Avenue Maréchal Juin towards Seyne-sur-Mer / Toulon in an existing exclusive right-of-way over a length of 1 km.

- Tassigny car park
- City Hall parking lot
- Cinema parking lot
- Parking de la Frégate and
- Sunshine Parking
- Parking for bathers
- Port de la Coudoulière

- Wearing a helmet is recommended
- Lighting and horn are mandatory
- Drive in single file on the roadway
- Mark the stop at the red light and at the stop sign
- The coastal cycle route is above all dedicated to a friendly practice. It excludes excessive speeds, each party having to respect the free practice of others for the safety of all.

- Bicycle path: specific site reserved for two- or three-wheel cycles, indicates to pedestrians and drivers of other vehicles that they are not allowed to use or stop on this facility (except for emergency vehicles, firefighters, police, service vehicles and, on certain sections, to authorized residents and moped riders). In the absence of practicable sidewalks or shoulders, non-motorized users (pedestrians, rollerbladers, people with reduced mobility, etc.) must walk on the left side of the road.
- Green lane: a dedicated site exclusively reserved for non-motorized vehicles and pedestrians (except emergency vehicles, firefighters, police, service vehicles and, on certain sections, for authorized residents and moped riders).
When the competent police authority also decides to authorise the movement of riders, the sign is completed by the "M4y" sign designating the riders.
- Shared site: shared lane between different motorized or non-motorized users.

- The beaches
- Ile des Embiez, Paul Ricard Oceanographic Institute
- Cape Negro Battery
- Chapel of Our Lady of May
- Cap Sicié Massif


Free access.

Parcours cyclable du littoral - V65 : Six-Fours-les-Plages > la Seyne
Promenade Général Charles de Gaulle
83140 Six-Fours-les-Plages

All year round.
Subject to favorable weather.